
St. František Xaverský (Severínek) - crossroads, Monastery square. Column with a statue of St. František Xaverský is a national cultural monument and it is the most famous Malacky statue. It dates from the Baroque period, from the first half of the 18th century. In the past, the population considered it a statue of St. Severin. During the professional restoration in 1989, acad. sculptor Jaroslav Kuba, based on an examination of the attributes of the statue, several experts confirmed that it was originally probably the statue of St. Ján Nepomucký. However, after further research in the 1990s, experts concluded that this was St. František Xaverský, whose statue is usually set on high pillars as a dominant feature in the center of the settlement. This emphasized its importance as a Jesuit in consolidating the Catholic faith and one of the greatest missionaries of the 16th century.

St. Anna - Monastery square . Sculpture on a smaller brick square pedestal located opposite the entrance to the Franciscan church, represents the seated St. Anna with little Maria. The pedestal is similar to the nearby statue of St. Anton of Padua. The sculpture is mentioned in historical records as early as 1783. Acad. sculptor Ladislav Chamuti in 1999-1993. After the restoration, the statue was placed in a lapidary in the crypt area under the Franciscan church, and an epoxy copy with an imitation of sandstone is placed on the pedestal. However, according to new findings, even the statue in the lapidary is not original. This is evidenced by oral information from the Franciscan priest Štefan Mušek, who worked in Malacky in the years 1950-1963. During this period, he imitated St. Anny to return the sculpture in a complete form to the city.

St. Anton - Monastery square. Column with a statue of St Anton Paduánský on a brick pedestal in the park on  Monastery square is a national cultural monument. It is probably the oldest preserved statue in the city. It represents a renaissance-early baroque work, which combines the renaissance understanding of the architecture of the square column with reliefs of passion objects with an early baroque column head. An interesting feature of the statue is the pillar, which shows the attributes related to the suffering of Christ (torture instruments, objects symbolizing betrayal, denial, humiliation and crucifixion).

St. Anton - Družstevná ul. (mill area) Kalvária, Kláštorné nám.

An interesting sculptural work from the Baroque period is the statues of Calvary at the outer wall of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. At the end of the 20th century, only the torso of the original statues has been preserved, namely the statue of the Virgin Mary on the left, the statue of the kneeling Mary Magdalene in the middle and the torso of the statue of St. John the Evangelist on the right. The cross was no longer original at that time. A survey in the 1990s revealed the existence of stone prismatic bases covered with soil. Instead, the statues stood on an artificial earthen hill. Gradually, the pedestals were released and treated. The statues were also treated. The stonemason made copies of the pedestals and copies of the statues were also made. The originals are stored in the lapidary in the crypt area below the church.

St. Florián - Záhorácka street. Favorite statue of St. Floriána, the protector against the destructive fire, is located on Záhorácká Street. It stands on a pedestal dating from 1777 and Pálfi's coat of arms. The original statue was only a torso without a head, upper torso and without arms. During the winter of 1991-1992 and after being transported to the museum, it disintegrated. The new statue is made of artificial stone according to a Baroque model and old period photographs and analogies.

Holy Trinity - Záhorácka street. The patron saint of the parish church and the whole parish of Malacky is the Holy Trinity. The current sculpture of the Trinity was built near the church in 1971.

Holy Virgin Mary the Victorious - Brnianska street. The statue was erected at the parish church of the Holy Trinity in 1947, thanks to the help shown during the crossing and for the happy ending of World War II. It was to protect travelers and the surrounding area.

St. Ján Nepomucký - Družstevná ul. Anton and František Dobrovodský had the statue erected in front of their house in 1909 ..
Severínek Sv. František Xaverský (Severínek) – križovatka, Kláštorné nám.